
e-ISSN: 2455-3743 | Published by Global Advanced Research Publication House (GARPH)

Archives of International Journal of Research in Computer & Information Technology(IJRCIT)

Volume 6 Issue 4 September 2021

1. Study of Plant Diseases Detection & Classification Using Image Processing Techniques

AUTHOR NAME : Ketaki A. Kadu, Prof. K. B. Bijwe

ABSTRACT : Agriculture is one of the important sources of livelihood in the world. Nowadays the agriculture sector also providing employment opportunities to the village people on large scale in developing countries like India. In India, many crops are cultivating and according to the survey, nearly 75% population is dependent on agriculture. Most of the Indian farmers are adopting manual cultivation due to a lack of technical knowledge and are unaware of what kind of crops grows well on their land. When plants are affected by a number of diseases through their leaves that will directly affect the production of agriculture and profitable loss with the reduction in quality of crops. So that healthy plant leaves are very important for the fast growth of plants and to increase the production of crops. Identification of proper diseases in plants leaves is challenging for farmers and also for researchers. Nowadays farmers are spraying pesticides on the plants without knowing the proper disease of the plant and it also affects humans directly or indirectly by health and economically also. Therefore, to detect these plant diseases many techniques need to be adopted. In this paper, we have done a survey on different plants disease and various available advanced techniques to detect proper plant diseases.


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